The Path to Peace and Joy
By Elder Richard G. Scott
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
(excerpts from his talk October 2000)
An angel commanded Adam to
“repent and call upon God
in the name of the Son forevermore.”
Each one of us is commanded to both
repent and to call upon God continually throughout life.
That pattern allows
each day to be an unspoiled page in the book of life,
a new, fresh opportunity.
We are given the
rejuvenating privilege
of overcoming mistakes of
commission or omission,
be they small or profoundly serious.
Full repentance results in forgiveness
with spiritual renewal.
One can feel the cleansing,
the purity,
the freshness
that accompanies sincere repentance
at any time in life.
"O how great the goodness of our God,
who prepareth a way for our escape
from the grasp of this awful monster;
yea, that monster, death and hell,
which I call the death of the body,
and also the death of the spirit."
Why have our Father and His Son commanded us to repent?
Because they love us.
They know all of us will violate eternal laws.
Whether they be small or large,
justice requires that every broken law be satisfied
to retain the promise of
joy in this life and the privilege of
returning to Father in Heaven.
If not satisfied,
in the Day of Judgment justice will cause that we be
cast out of the presence of God to be under the control of Satan.
It is our Master
and His redeeming act
that make it possible
for us to avoid such condemnation.
It is done through
faith in Jesus Christ,
obedience to His commandments,
and enduring in righteousness to the end.
“True repentance is not only
sorrow for sins,
and humble penitence and contrition before God,
but it involves the necessity
of turning away from them,
a discontinuance of all evil practices …
a thorough reformation of life,
a vital change from evil to good …
to make restitution, so far as …
possible, for all the wrongs we have done. …
This is true repentance,
and the exercise of the will and all the powers of [the] body and mind
is demanded,
to complete this glorious work of repentance.”
President Joseph F. Smith
To the vital steps of
recognition, sorrow, abandonment, confession,
and restitution where possible,
it is also essential to add the requirement
to diligently keep all of the commandments of God.
For the Lord has declared:
“I the Lord
cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance;
he that repents and
does the commandments of the Lord
shall be forgiven.”
If you have repented from serious transgression
and mistakenly believe that you will always
be a second-class citizen in the kingdom of God,
learn that is not true.
The Savior said:
“Behold, he who has repented of his sins,
the same is forgiven,
and I, the Lord, remember them no more.
“By this ye may know
if a man repenteth of his sins—
behold, he will confess them and forsake them.”
Have you wandered
from the path of joy
and now find yourself
where you do not want to be,
with feelings
you do not want to have?
Is there a yearning to
return to the peace and joy of a worthy life?
I invite you with all
the love of my heart to
repent and come back.
Decide to do it now.
That journey is not as difficult as it seems.
You can cast out guilt,
overcome depression,
receive the blessing of peace of mind,
and find enduring joy.
Pray for help and guidance,
and you will be led to find it.
Go to where you know the light of truth shines—
to a worthy friend,
a loving bishop or stake president,
an understanding parent.
Please come back.
We love you.
We need you.
Follow the path to peace and joy
through complete repentance.
The Savior will help you obtain forgiveness
as you sincerely follow all of the steps to repentance.
He is the Redeemer.
He loves you.
He wants you to have peace and joy in your life.
Now I testify that He lives.
He will help you.
In the name of Jesus Christ,
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hey, what's on that yummy little mind of yours? let me know!