Gal. 3: 26
For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
Sometimes things don't appear as they really are.
We all have a personal history that we carry,
a unique journey of joy and pain.
I was told once that when we get to paradise,
we will be able to hug a person and then
feel their life on earth.
Feel what they have been through,
have empathy and compassion
beyond description.
I don't know if this is true,
but I like the premise.
We would be incapable of judging others.
I really like this.
I try to apply this in my life.
To look beyond the obvious,
dig down into the heart of the child of God.
To love like God,
and know their goodness.
The landscape is larger than it appears
in this life,
like the heart of our fellowman.
Each of us,
a child of God.
So, I have had some regrets.
1. In 1982 I saw a women in an Arctic Circle in Buhl, Idaho with five children sitting in a booth. Her demeanor was sad and depressed. I knew I should go over to her and ask her if she needed help. What prevented me? I had my own babe in my arms, I was shy, what if she rejected me.
I didn't do it. I was so young and lacking in courage. To this day I pray for her, and regret I didn't do it.
2. A few years back, I was with my sister Judy in down town San Diego. We were in a flower market. A young girl about 20 or so with coal black hair, black and white striped tights, black makeup all over her face....saw me and my sister walking towards a booth. She came up to me, looked me in the face and gave me the finger. I looked back into her eyes and never felt so much love for a person as I did for her that day. ' I said, 'Are you alright?' She ran off. I felt compelled to buy her a flower. I went to the vender and bought her a daisy. I looked all over for her, then gave up. I regret that I gave up. I think she needed that daisy. I pray for her, too.
3. Many years ago I saw a man carrying around a young little girl in DI. She was dirty and barefoot. I wanted to buy her a pair of shoes. He was a mean looking man. He scared me. I reflected on how I would approach him. I didn't do it. I was afraid. I regret this.
Because I have a stronger testimony of this truth that we are all children of God, the same source, the same flesh, the same...
I have become less afraid, more able to approach, more guided, just more....
I want no more regrets.
John 13: 34-35
34 A new commandment I give unto you,
That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
How can you express more love to your fellowman...