Sunday, July 21, 2024

Be Still And Know That I Am God

Out of Silence, Majesty

A silence profound enveloped the skies, 

and the earth was dark and void.

Jehovah’s command gave life to the dust, 

and the chaos fell in line.

When the One who would be known as Jesus spoke, 

all the elements awoke!

Out of silence, majesty, the work of our Creator,

And I am still and know that He is God.

A silence profound enveloped the Christ 

as He fell upon His face.

He paid with His blood the world’s weight of sin 

and was laid in darkest stone.

From the tomb the Living Savior Jesus rose, 

that the world through Him might know

Out of silence, majesty, 

the work of our Redeemer,

And I am still and know that 

He is God.

And in the chaos of this heart of burning questions,

He speaks the words of life with a silent voice, 

and my soul is filled!

A silence profound enveloped the world 

for the darkness of our hearts.

A pillar of light, an answer to prayer: 

the Father and the Son appeared.

Bringing in an age of 

truth and righteousness;

Every knee shall bow and tongue confess!

Out of silence, majesty, 

the mercy of our Father,

And I am still and know that He is God!

I will be still and know that He is God!

Words and music: Nathan Howe

And while we meditated upon these things, 
the Lord touched the eyes of our understandings 
and they were opened, 
and the glory of the 
Lord shone round about.

Doctrine and Covenants 76:19

Through a still small voice, the Spirit speaks to me

To guide me, to save me from the evil I may see.

If I try to do what’s right, he will lead me thru the night,

Direct me, protect me, and give my soul his light.

Listen, listen. The Holy Ghost will whisper.

Listen, listen to the still small voice.

The Still Small Voice

Words and music: Merrill Bradshaw, 1929–2000. © 1969 IRI


  1. Such beautiful songs. Thank you.

  2. You're welcome! So glad you enjoyed them. Thank you for stopping by. ; )


hey, what's on that yummy little mind of yours? let me know!